Monday, October 7, 2013

How to Write A Thesis

Preliminary Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is like a rough map that helps you find your way through the unfamiliar territory of your topic. The details are filled in as you conduct your research. A thesis statement is one or two sentences that state your goal and the main idea of your paper. Why are you writing about the subject and what you intend to describe, prove, or analyze?

The statement should be related to the type of paper you are writing – literary, argumentative, position, or descriptive. The main idea must be one that can be developed through research. Remember, this is still a rough version of your statement. As you conduct your research, you may find that your want to modify it.

All your research every paragraph in your paper must relate to the thesis statement. As you can see, a good statement can save you a great deal of time by further narrowing your focus and by concentrating your research on information that supports or proves your main idea.

Developing Your Thesis Statement

No one claims that writing a thesis statement is easy. However, you use more than one strategy to develop your statement. If you have written notes, comments, or reactions during your preliminary research, this “idea sheet” can serve as starting point. The techniques–laundry list, free-writing, and clustering–that served to narrow your topic can also be used to develop a thesis statement.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dissertation Writing In 3 Easy Steps

Writing dissertation can be a very challenging task, which requires complete concentration at all stages. These stages can categorized into three levels, first the pre-writing stage, second the writing stage and third the post writing stage.

At the first stage prerequisite ingredients of the dissertation writing should be considered and some questions should be taken into account for this purpose a questionnaire can be prepared listing some fundamental questions, for instance, what is the purpose dissertation? For whom is the dissertation written for? What is expected of the dissertation? What goals should the dissertation achieve? Once these questions are taken into account by the writer, he or she must move to the next level.

The second stage involves writing the dissertation itself. At this stage the theme of the topic must be finalized and the writer must know his objectives, it must be assured by the writer that answers to all the above questions are available in a written form, which should be reviewed frequently by the writer so that the grip on the theme of the topic must not be loosed at any stage. When writing the dissertation writer must take into account the approach of his readers and the language and style should be chosen with their respect. If the audience comprises of professionals or academics, for example, then technical language can be used.

Once a dissertation has been written it should be reviewed and checked properly by the writer himself and once again our questionnaire prepared in the very first stage must be looked so that the end result must be measured and analyzed with respect to it. When carrying out this review the writer should consider himself in the reader’s shoes so that complications and areas where the reader might have problems can be resolved at this stage. Although there isn’t any worldwide standardized way of writing a dissertation but considering the factors and ideas mentioned here can be useful in achieving desired outcomes.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

How to write APA dissertation citations?

The APA Dissertation Citations are driven set of standards to follow while formatting your dissertation citations which is also known as the APA Format. It not only provide a complete manual on writing citations but also gives formatting procedures for writing headings, margins, use of bold and italics etc.

While writing a dissertation you have to gather data from lots of different resources and that data have to be valid and true. For proving your accuracy and getting a 10/10 on the data collection criteria you must cite your resources within the text of your dissertation or in the reference list at the end of your dissertation.

APA dissertation citations means, presenting your citations in an APA format. Normally we gather information from journal articles, books, websites and encyclopedias. An APA has developed sets of standards to be followed while citing these references.

In-Text APA Dissertation Citations:
While citing with in the text of your dissertation; use the surname of the author (omitting any suffixes such as Jr.) followed by the year of publication separated by a comma in parentheses: e.g.

In a recent study of reaction time (Rogers, 1994)

Reference List form of APA Dissertation Citations:

While writing the citations in the reference list you may follow these color codes;

  1. Author(s)
  2. Date
  3. Title of Book
  4. Title of Article
  5. Title of Periodical
  6. Volume
  7. Pages
  8. Place of Publication
  9. Publisher
  10. Other Information

Journal Article:
When citing an article, start with the author name then the date of publication in parentheses followed by title and the subtitle (if any) of the article and the volume # of the journal and lastly the page/s number: e.g.
Lacayo, R. (1991, April 22). Global warming: A new warning. Time137(16)32.

Citing a book, follows similar rules as of an article, the author, date of publication, title and subtitle. For a book citation after the subtitle the edition followed by the place of publishing and the name of the publisher should also be mentioned.

Stehle, P. (1994). Order, chaos, order: The transition from classical to quantum physicsNew YorkOxford University Press.
Encyclopedia or Dictionary:
Encyclopedias and dictionaries are books which are frequently updated and have information gathered from other resources. They may have an author or they are compiled an organization. They will also be cited in the same way as a book: e.g.

Schneider, I. (1989). Bandicoots. In Grzimek’s encyclopedia of mammals(Vol.1pp. 300-304).
New YorkMcGraw-Hill.
Subatomic particles: quarks and antiquarks. (n.d.)*. Retrieved September 8, 2004, fromBritannica Online.
*(n.d) no date; which means that the publication date for the article is not available but the date on which the article was retrieved from the source is mentioned. 

Websites are major source providers for data for your dissertations and you have to cite them as well. Start with the author name (if given) followed by the date of publication, title, date of retrieval. But the web address or the link to the source will be mentioned under ‘other information’; e.g.

Bryant, P. (1999). Biodiversity and conservation. Retrieved October 4, 1999, from 

APA Dissertation Citations for the different types of resources follows a basic format but slightly differ on the basis of the types of resources. APA Dissertation Citations helps create uniformity between different dissertations and makes the dissertation easy to read and providing references in a more detailed manner.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Confused about how to choose a perfect Dissertation Topic?

Every long journey starts with a tiny step and so does the journey of writing a 20,000 words dissertation. But in the case of dissertations the step needs to be taken very sensibly and with a lot of care and mindshare.

A topic for writing a dissertation can be of many shapes and sizes, but there are a few basic rules to it. Your topic can be of either three words or three sentences long but it should clearly state what a reader will find in your dissertation. The topic shouldn’t be vague or carry a load of ambiguity along with it.

They say that never judge a book by its cover but the perception about judging it by its topic is not said. The topic should be valuable to your related field of study.

After deciding on the field of your dissertation, perform a Literature search – Find resources like books, journals and websites from where you can have an access to the data and then decide which area of your field will be provided with the most data.

Discuss your possible topics with your dissertation advisor to highlight you on how can it be made more realistic or practical.

Make your topic specific! Don’t select a broad topic as it will increase your research work and wouldn’t be much of an interest. E.g. “the mobile phones industry” – choosing this as a topic will no doubt give you enough data to write a 50,000 words dissertation but your dissertation would be a non-interesting crap about the industry. You should rather select an area of the industry and be more specific, like; “the mobile phones industry – the role of multimedia” this way you will have to focus on a particular segment of the industry making your dissertation interesting, precise and not a 50,000 words of crap about which company in the industry has the largest number of employees!

Base your topic on either or all of these three;

Feasibility – Decide which topic will be most feasible to complete in the given time limitation and your resources.

Interest – Evaluate yourself! When you study a specific field what area interests you the most? If you are interested, writing about it will make easy and tempting.

Convenience - Try to select a realistic field for dissertation, the more realistic the more clear your topic. The main reason for choosing a realistic and practical area is that it will open many doors to resources for getting the required data.

Selecting these steps as guidelines for deciding on your dissertation topic is likely to help you to get a prefect topic which will be interesting for you and your readers and will add great value to the field on study.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

5 Best Sources To Take Dissertation Help

Need help with writing a methodology? Or you need to know how should your table of contents look like? These are some types of issues faced by authors while writing their dissertations to obtain their doctoral degree. Students require all kinds of help while writing their dissertations whether it is in the beginning when you are deciding on the topic for your study or when you are compiling your gathered research data.

While writing a research study there are a lot of questions which arises in your mind, like, from where should I collect the data? What information would be relevant? Which types of words and phrases should be avoided?
Unless you have written formal documents before, you will want to know the answers of many questions like these. So, Where can you get the help you need?
  • The Internet: It is the largest pool of information about everything and there are different websites from where you can get articles and tips which will help you in your dissertations.
  • Online Help: apart from websites, articles and book posts there are online companies which provide you with written dissertation against the payment of fee. These are companies provide you with complete dissertation written by specialized writers and professors of the leading universities of the country and can be availed upon payment.
  • Friend/Colleague: have a friend who has already completed his dissertation? Then ask him to help you on yours. Refer to his dissertation and reframe yours in accordance to his/hers or learn from his/hers’ mistakes. Even you can ask your friend’s help for collecting research information while you do the compilation.
  • Libraries: visit libraries to gather research material and take information from the dissertations placed with them.
  • Instructor: the best help you can get is from the instructor who is guiding you or had taught you about the course on which you are writing your dissertation.
All these sources has made the dissertation writing a bit less painstaking, as they help you in preparing and completing your dissertation along with helping you in how to design and present your study. As the internet can provide you with loads of research data and dissertations for reference online, a library can provide you with those as well. An instructor or a friend can help you with the final drafting and presentation of your study and there are companies as well who are there to help you the most by preparing a complete study for you!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

5 Simple Steps To Write Your Cold War History Essay!

The Cold War history essay! How to write one?
Follow these steps and it will be as easy as 1 2 3…

History has an advantage when it comes to writing about it, which is that when you have to write you don’t have to make up any story or relate it with your life.

If the cold war was a result of conflict which arise after the WW2 between the U.S. and the Soviet Union it will be mentioned in the same context and unchanged. Or it ended with the end of the USSR; it is the way it did you cannot deny it.

Writing a cold war history essay is quite easy. It is just like following a recipe but the key to good taste is the availability of all the desired ingredients.

Follow these 5 simple steps and win an “A’ grade from your teacher…Guaranteed!

  1. Write an introduction about the cold war history the; when, why & who. E.g.
    a. who were the key players in the war?
    b. when it started?
    c. the reasons as to why 2 superpowers engaged in a war just
    after one war ended?
  2. Select a particular era from the cold war history, the war continued for almost 50 years and even writing a brief summary would take you years of research and data collection. Narrow your spectrum and focus, remember you have to write a cold history essay not a book! E.g. the Germany’s role or Vietnam’s. or just select a period from the war like, ‘the era between 1965 to 1975’
  3. Research or as I would say getting the desired ingredients;search history notes, books, class notes, websites and gather as much information as you can. Consolidate your data; sort it on different basis like; time, place and reasons.
  4. Design the body in a time-line format. Give the information about the war with reference to the time of their occurrence along with their dates. This would create interest and testify your research
  5. Conclude your essay with the; outcomes and the successors. Like who won the war, what changes did it brought to the world and what other results were possible.
Keep your cold war history essay a 5 paragraph essay short and precise to attract more interest than long descriptive ones. Use ‘numbering and bulleting’. Give statistics to create interest and gain attention of the reader.

Hope this will help you on your cold war history essay writing and creating a like for history as well.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

10 steps to write an argumentative essay on social concerns

Have to write an argumentative essay on social concerns? Confused about how to start? Which topic to choose?

Social concern/science has a broad spectrum and selecting on one particular topic is a bit tricky. You should know the pro’s and cons of your topic to argue effectively.

Persuasion is the desired outcome of any argumentative essay which should start from the first line so why should an argumentative essay on social concerns be any different.

Follow these steps and let them guide you to select and write a firm argumentative essay on social concerns to get a minimum ‘A’ grade on your essay!

  1. Brainstorm and select a few topics that comes first to your mind when you think of ‘social concern’
  2. Write down the first 3 to 10 topics on a paper
  3. Now one by one think about each topic and gather points about the topic which you already know and write them against topic
  4. Now evaluate the topics on the basis of information you have about the same
  5. Choose the topic on which you have the most information
  6. Research on that topic and gather as much data as you can
  7. Design your essay in 5 paragraphs (recommended), an introduction, the body (3 para.) the conclusion
  8. The body should tell the general perception, your view point and your justification as to why you have chosen a side
  9. Give as much justification to prove your point, this will show the depth of your knowledge & research
  10. The conclusion should drive your reader to their own conclusion either they should agree or disagree with you.
Argumentative essay on social concerns should tell your views as well as provide information about the topic.
Social concern is a field on which people come to know about through different sources an argumentative essay on social concerns will source your readers to clear ambiguities or queries about a social-evil/good and draw their conclusions on your topic.